Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Party's Over...

Sometimes I just don't get some people...If I had a choice
between having fun or getting arrested...I'd choose
having fun every I don't get these guys that
decide to leave the house with a gun or knife in their
pants....head directly to The Castro Halloween Party...
knowing that there are a zillion police officers just
waiting to enforce the zero tolerance guidelines.

I can hear the voices in their head as they get ready
to leave the house...."Ok, I've got my lame-ass costume
which consists of a tux printed on a tee shirt, that I've
worn every year for the last six years...I've got
half a bottle of tequila stuffed in my jacket and the
other half I drank before getting in the car to drive
over the bridge to Gay-Land...I've got some cash just
in case I run out of booze...what am I forgetting....

I could wax nostalgic for the good ole days when the
Halloween Party in the 'stro was fun and exciting and
full of costumes that queens spent half the year sewing...
Or the time I saw a guy dressed as Tippi Hedren from the
movie "The Birds", inside a phone booth he'd made by
hand, with blackbirds crashing into it.

But why bother...those days are long gone and it all
feels like a distant dream. A dream I was rudely awakened
from... by the sound of gun fire.


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