Wednesday, May 25, 2005

everything must change...

nothing stays the same...after 4 amazing years
working with people who happen to be hiv positive,
my job is ending...due to the usual suspects:
lack of money...lack of leadership from the
powers that be...lack of concern from the
community at large.
I'll be leaving behind some extraordinary folks.
Clients and staff that have taught me to
persevere through the hard times and to laugh
whenever possible....they will be missed.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday...

Today was my 4th anniversary at work (Continuum HIV Adult
Day Health)...
it was also the day we announced to clients that
we were shutting our doors...and although most of
our clients are resilent, it's going to be tough
for them to bounce back from this one...who do I blame?
There are too many to mention...what do I feel? anger,
sadness, immense pain...what will help me get through?
my man, my friends, and my hope that tomorrow will
be a better day.