Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Strike Up the Band...

I'm becoming very musical...
No, I haven't been learning how to
play the piano or the drums or
the clarinet...and yet, I hear music.

I hear music when I get out of bed...
there's a symphony of snaps, crackles
and pops from my knees, fingers and toes.

Ahh, and there's the basso profundo rumbling
of my stomach, adding to the tessitura...
better get some breakfast soon.

And let's not forget the wheezie-wheez
from my nostrals as I try to breath
through my allergy congested sinuses.

Believe me I'm not complaining...'tho it
may sound that way. I've grown accustomed to
the cacophony of sounds eminating from my
body...sometimes I'll even dance to it.

That's right...I'm dancing to the beat of
my own drum.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Day by Day...

Nine days with the In-laws....that's right NINE.
Yes I was nervous at first....nine days is a long time.
God made the world in SIX.

But it turned out I had no reason to be nervous...

They say the apple never falls far from the tree.
I certainly love the apple this tree produced....
so why wouldn't I love the tree....all the good qualities
in my apple are reflected in the tree and vice-versa.
It all sounds so sappy now that I've put it down in
words...but what the hell.

So I'll say it loud and I'll say it proud...