Monday, September 18, 2006

Teach Me Tonight...

I just finished two weekends of teaching
twenty new volunteers how to be of service
in a hospice setting...and I'm beat...tired
wiped out and beat...yes, I know I said beat
twice...that's just how tired I am.

But the rewarding part is knowing that there
are people in this world, young people, willing
to spend two weekends out of their lives to learn
how to be the best volunteer they can be. These
are incredible people with a burning desire to
give back. So take heart America...not everyone
under thirty is hip-hoppin', Ipodn', text messagin',
droopy pant wearin', gun tote'n, party till the
break of dawn Paris Hilton wanna be's.

whew! I'm REALLY tired.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun...

My Honey and Vee took me to see Cyndi Lauper
in was the capper to my month-
long birthday celebration....she was great.
But very kooky and odd...I always thought that
was just a persona she put on took off...but
boy was I wrong...In the beginning of the show
she launched into a 15 minute talk about her
mother that made no sense whatsoever... and
then she kept start/stopping on songs because
she was hitting the wrong note or the sound
on her dulcimer was too loud....perfectionist
or drugs...I think neither...I thing kook!
But all in all it was still a fun show with
a fun crowd of all ages and I got to hang out
with Honey and Vee. Girls really do just
wanna have fun!