Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Love...Exciting and New...

Climb aboard, we're expecting you...
Yes, that's right...I'm in a Love Boat kinda mood...Maybe it
was the Rolo Men's store with all of the red sartorial
splendor in the window...maybe it was the flecks of green
in Booblies eyes as we sat in the sunlit window of Peet's
Coffee...maybe it's the unexpected warm days nestled
in between the days of freezing cold....maybe it's the
thought of Valentine's day coming in the weeks ahead.

Booblie and I haven't spent much quality time together
lately...he's been extra busy with work...but I have a
surprise night on the town planned for when work slows
down a bit...maybe a dinner and a movie.

Here are a few of my favorite romantic films:
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Brokeback Mountain
Dangerous Liasons
Roman Holiday
An Affair to Remember
When Harry Met Sally
Punch Drunk Love
Bonnie and Clyde

What's your favorite romantic film?

Monday, January 01, 2007

Ooo Baby It's a Wild World...

So I'm walking down the street minding my
own business when I suddenly think of a
dear friend that I haven't seen in 7 years...
last I heard, he was living in Santa Fe...
His name is Darren. I think I actually spoke
his name out loud...which I'm sure didn't
draw any attention to me because people
are talking to themselves all the time...
Some are simply crazy and some are talking
on their phones attached to their ears...they
look like they are crazy but as far as I can tell
they are as sane as you and I...

but I digress...

I walk for another block when I hear from
behind me someone calling my name....It's
Darren...imagine my shock....it's as if I had
a witch-like power of incantation and cleverly
conjured him up on the spot...Maybe I should've
been thinking of lottery numbers or something
even more valuable...like a contestant spot on
Deal Or No Deal...

But it gets even weirder...

Darren tells me he was just walking down the
street when he heard someone say "Dude", and
he swore it was my voice. He turned around and
of course it wasn't me....he walked another block
and there I was, looking in a storefront window...

Can you hear the ominous organ music ...

What are the odds of two people...being in the same
place at the same time...thinking of each other at the
same moment...and then running into each other?

Is it FATE...or is it CHANCE?

What a wild world we live in.

What wild coincidence has happened to you?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Papas Got a Brand New Bag...

The Godfather of Soul has died...and what a
sad sad day it is...I can remember wearin' out
my Mother's carpet dancing the Mashed Potatos
to the music of James Brown...I can remember
the feeling of nervous pride as I sang along to
"Say It Loud, I'm Black And I'm Proud"....It's
difficult to believe that that statement, at the
time, was considered militant...I remember
hearing the song "Hotpants" playing in my head
as I watched women and men's booties go
ba-dunka-dunk-dunk in skintight, brightly colored
shorts as they strolled down the street..and
"Livin' In America" was an anthem I found myself
singing...and dancing to.

JB did have his problems...reform school as a child...
abusing drugs and alcohol...spousal abuse. Let's face
it...the man was no saint....

But he could perform...man could he perform.

When I look back on my life...I know that James
Brown had a hand in how I see myself and how I
see the world around me....

Now...Papas got a brand new bag.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Celebrate, Good Times, C'mon...

Kool And The Gang said it best..."It's time to celebrate"...
Booblie and I celebrated seven years of creating a life
together...He's my DomesticPartnerBoyfriendLover....
He's my Family...He's my Confidant...He's my Shoulder-
To-Lean-On...He's my Rock...He's my FunnyBoneTickler...
He's my BedWarmer..He's my BiggestFan...He's my One...
He's my Only

Friday, December 01, 2006

Going To Folsom Prison..

Better late than never is what I always say...
Here are some of my pix from Folsom Street
Fair '06...

Friday, November 24, 2006

I Wanna Rock With You...

I belong to an Improv group that creates
movies in which the dialogue is improvised...
we went on a retreat to Jenner to work on
our newest project...these are some of the
pictures I took. Check out some of our
films at http://www.barewitness.com

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Party's Over...

Sometimes I just don't get some people...If I had a choice
between having fun or getting arrested...I'd choose
having fun every time....so I don't get these guys that
decide to leave the house with a gun or knife in their
pants....head directly to The Castro Halloween Party...
knowing that there are a zillion police officers just
waiting to enforce the zero tolerance guidelines.

I can hear the voices in their head as they get ready
to leave the house...."Ok, I've got my lame-ass costume
which consists of a tux printed on a tee shirt, that I've
worn every year for the last six years...I've got
half a bottle of tequila stuffed in my jacket and the
other half I drank before getting in the car to drive
over the bridge to Gay-Land...I've got some cash just
in case I run out of booze...what am I forgetting....

I could wax nostalgic for the good ole days when the
Halloween Party in the 'stro was fun and exciting and
full of costumes that queens spent half the year sewing...
Or the time I saw a guy dressed as Tippi Hedren from the
movie "The Birds", inside a phone booth he'd made by
hand, with blackbirds crashing into it.

But why bother...those days are long gone and it all
feels like a distant dream. A dream I was rudely awakened
from... by the sound of gun fire.