Saturday, April 30, 2005

Its Not Easy Being Green

I thought if we were all green...
there would be no more racism...
But then I thought, surely there would be
some light green, some grass green, some
very dark mossy green...
and the dark mossy green would be the
new black.

When I first came out (of the closet that is)
I experienced racism in the gay "community"...
and was shocked.
How could those who were so despised by
the straight world mistreat their own?
That was 1976.

Almost 30 years later...
I hear that a bar in the Gay Mecca of San Francisco
is dicriminating against people of color and women.
How could that be?

It's not easy being GREEN.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Dad's Birthday...

I called Dad the day after his birthday...meant to call on the day of, but stuff got in the way...He picked up the phone and I used my usual greeting..."hi Daddio"....he greeted me wit his usual..."Hey SonnyBoy"...(that always makes me smile)...Dad has a way of making my calls to him, all about me...(which always gets my 'center-of-attention-bone aroused)..."SonnyBoy, how's the weather, how's the upcoming show, how's life???...Dad turned 78...when I asked him how he spends his days when he's not working part-time at Walmart as a 'Greeter', he said "I spend all my free time bowling, I gotta keep in shape ya'know". We ended our birthday chat the same way we end every phone conversation...."I love you Dad"..."I love you SonnyBoy"...I wish all gayboyz could have some of what I got...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Martha Stewart....Michael Jackson.
Two people who have no remorse about their actions.
Who has the courage to put them in their place?
Out The Box, that's who.
This 2 man Black performance group has a new show called
15 Minutes of Shame. It's got sketch comedy and drama, improv,
video segments, live music, and a silly little dance.
You can catch Out The Box at the Off-Market Theater.
Saturdays, May 21 and May 28.
Check out their website for more tix and info.
I'm telling you, these guys are real special.

The Show Must Go On...