Surf City U.S.A.

Santa of roller coasters...
Yes, you heard it right...improv.
The city of SC will be hosting the
Santa Cruz Improv Festival....and
OUT THE BOX, my improv group was
asked to perform a 2 hour show.
You DO know what improv is right?
It's where you stand if front of a group
of people and make things up on the spot.
Kinda what George W. does...only, when HE
does it, a war usually breaks out....when WE
do it...hopefully laugher breaks out.
So if you're in the Santa Cruz area on July 9th.
And you ain't got nuthin' better to do...
head on down to Actor's Theater at
1001 Center Street or call 831.425.PLAY
for reservations and ticket information.
Let's make laughter...not war!