Thursday, August 11, 2005

Tell Me Something Good...

I was checking out one of my favorite blogs... and came across some great
questions that were asked of him, along with
some thoughtfull answers. So I asked him to
devise some queeries for me to answer...and
lo and behold he did. Here they are:

1- You suddenly come into 2.5 million dollars, how
do you spend it?
I’d buy a house and a new car. I’d send some to
my family. I'd give a donation to Glide church
to help the homeless. And the rest I’d invest,
’cause money makes money.

2- What do you think happens after this life?
I’m not a God-fearin’ man but I’m not a gamblin’
man either. So I try to live my life as honorably
as I can. If I die and there is no heaven…then
I’ll just be happy to become a part of the
life cycle of the planet as my ashes are scattered
to the 4 winds. If there IS a heaven…well then I
should be in pretty good standing with the
BIG GUY upstairs and can relax watching
back to back to back episodes of Law and Order
till the end of time.

3- Butts or Baskets?
Wow, that’s a toughie. I’ve seen big bulgy baskets
that induce drool, but if they turn around and the
butt is as flat as Ashlee Simpson singing live,
then I’m turned off. However, if they’ve got a rear
you could bounce Susan B. Anthony off of and the
basket is just so-so…I’d choose the bouncy-butt
and be a happy man.

4- What specific instance occured that made you realize
you are gay?
When I masturbated using my SpiderMan comic.

5- In the shower, what do you get the most pleasure out
of washing?
My hair! I love shampooing. I guess it’s the smell and
the sensation of the lather as it slides slowly down
my body. Gee…I think my hairs’ a little dirty right now….
gotta go.

As all memes do, this one comes with a set of rules/ instructions:

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment
below saying “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions -
each person’s will be different. I’ll post the questions
in the comments section of this post.
3. You will update your blog with the answers
to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to
interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed,
you will ask them five questions.


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