Monday, August 22, 2005

Happy Birthday 2 Me...

How many birthdays do you remember?
Do you know what you did 3,4 years ago
to celebrate your birthday?
There are a small handfull of birthdays
I remember very well. And it's not that
all the others weren't memorable...
I'm sure they were...I just can't
remember them.

This birthday will not soon be
forgotten...Buubie and V drove me
to Healdsburg CA with brief layovers
in Guerneville and Santa Rosa.
Gas prices being what they are, I took
this as the ultimate in extravagance.
They also gifted me with lunch, dinner,
flowers and an iPod Shuffle.

Oh...I forgot...I also got a gift
certificate to iTunes...'s already starting.

Now where did I leave my keys?


Blogger Jack said...

I think it was at my house on the night stand...

10:08 AM  

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