Friday, September 30, 2005

Chai A Little Tenderness...

My very good friend Pinky B. sent this email to
me and I just HAD to share it with my peeps...

This is what happens from a Chai-high. not try this at home.

pinky b.
psychic elefante
wide awake
wide, wide awake
yup, still wide, wide awake
i think i'll stick with two wides
three would be overkill
don't you think?
i do
yay, i just yawned!
god, am i boring myself?
or am i just tired?
if i'm boring myself, i must be boring you, right?
caffeine, you fiend!
oh fallopian tubes...
i just made that last one up.
i am actually chuckling at that last one.
lordy lord, save me from...
pretty please.
pretty please with stevia leaves on top.
i'm trying to avoid white sugar.
(feeds the yeast)
sheez, i gotta stop.
i just can't stop myself.
it's like a corny gene has taken over.
it's like gremilins, if you feed them after midnight,
they take over or multiply
or whatever the fuck those gremlins did.
corny, i said
with a c
not an h
get your mind out of the gutter.
how long did that take?
10 minutes
yah, that sounds about right.
i just yawned again.
it was sort of a false one, meaning i made myself yawn.
those fakie ones are not even satisfying.
ooh, but there went a real one
kinda of a small one.
ooop, there's another one
a medium one
but real!
real, genuine yawn!
i'm rubbing my eyes.
yay, i'm sleepy!
see you tomorrow!
if you made it down this far, you must really love me.
well, the feeling is mutual.
and a wee bit droowsy.
good night supersweeties.
this psychic elefante is going to sleep!


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